This comes as an update to complete the previous article with the October forecasts. We talked about the recent New Moon and the energies it releases into the world. Now we should take a deeper look, in what the Full Moon has to offer. As the title suggests, Octobers Full Moon is going to take place in the sign of Taurus.
Taurus, has to do with physical senses, perceptions, the small and big joys of life brought and manifested on the physical plane. It also has to do with aesthetics and beauty, but in this case Taurus appreciates both the inner and outer beauty. The end of the month is going to be very "interesting" and unusual for many people, because Uranus will communicate with this Full Moon in Taurus. When Uranus energy mixes with Venus (who is also in shadow and going back to her other native sign of Libra) this divine combination will bring forth an irresistible attraction to every UNUSUAL, out of the ordinary form of beauty and aesthetics. This is the expression of full freedom of the soul, the creative energies, thoughts, impulses woven together to create something unique, unconventional, unhindered by rules and regulations of any form.
What does this mean in the every day life? All of this astrological context translates too freedom, openness to different perspectives, different way of doing things, an urge to escape routine, repetitive behavior. And if we add to all of this what the energy of Venus represents, one word comes to mind: INDULGENCE. This is the perfect time to escape the boredom of every day life, try new things (food, drink, cuisine, activities, travels, experiments of all sorts) and to do things a different way, not the way you are used to doing them, maybe go about everything in your life in a different way, break out of your shackles, escape the comfort zone.
While this period sounds very fun and exciting to most people, some will find it very challenging, especially those people who had to sacrifice much in life, and who always ignored their senses and perceptions, those who prioritized anything else except pleasure in life. People who are stuck in a very strict and rigid routine will find it impossible to make changes, get out of the vicious cycle, and because of these physical or situational limits (lack of money, a very inflexible job, moral or material commitments, debt etc) there is going to be an inner conflict and the sensation of profound unhappiness.
This feeling of unhappiness isn't meant to punish, or to highlight that the Universe can be cruel at times, it simply is meant to bring forth the inner truth, that sometimes no matter how hard life is, no matter how bad the situation is, the Self is just as important as anything in life. Bad karma can be generated, even, in the most unexpected ways. When a person sacrifices too much, when a person chooses an empty life full of pain and hardships, just to accomplish a goal, or to facilitate the lives of loved ones, we might think, how noble of them,what a nice gesture, how strong that person it! While all of that couldn't be more true, the soul, the Self might not agree with the sacrifices, might not agree with the suffering we bring onto it. It may protest, or reject that course in life, but what can it do? We all have the power and skills to psychologically program ourselves, and when we do that.... the Self becomes totally powerless, and unhappiness keep building up until it explodes, and usually when that happens, in the best case scenario it creates the moment we know as "the dark night of the soul". But in the worst case scenarios it could very well manifest in total nervous breakdown, severe depression, and many other illnesses related to stress.
The good news is that this Full Moon in Taurus gives us the chance to prevent this, to reevaluate our priorities, to find that void which needs to be filled in order for not just our shallow personality, but also the Self and and the deepness that it represents to be harmonious.
In conclusion this Full Moon is Taurus is the perfect time to think life trough, to analyze everything, are we happy with ourselves, are we happy with the direction life is taking us, do the present elements in our life satisfy us, are the sacrifices that we make every single day worth it? All these questions must be asked in order to see our own Self worth, which is basically the gravitational force, the glue, the key of our vibrations which hold everything together in our lives.