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Full Moon in Scorpio (18-19th of May)

The year 2019 up until this present moment had a couple of very powerful full moons, which had a very powerful psychological and emotional impact upon most of us. From an astrological perspective, full moons represent the culmination of the lunar cycle, during this time it is those energies that come to fruition, which had been focused upon during the new moon, the beginning of the Lunar cycle. May's new moon took place in the sign of Taurus, which rules personal values, material situation, personal finances, and everything that we hold beautiful within ourselves and in our lives. So, it comes as no surprise, that during the beginning of the lunar cycle, most of us focused on our finances, our material situation and upon personal goals and objectives in that area of our lives. Some of us desired a greater sense of stability, evolution, change, new opportunities, while others desired the exact opposite, to escape the obligations and strings attached to materialism and enjoy a greater sense of freedom, even if this means having less money. So, depending on which thoughts, emotions, desires dominated your psyche at the new moon, it is those seeds of intention, that are going to start growing and showing results. In addition to this, because the Moon is going to reach her apogee in the sing of Scorpio, illuminating that area of our lives ruled by it's energies, it may hold some very significant and unexpected surprises. The symbolism of Scorpio, has everything to do with secrets, things that are hidden from our sight, or perhaps things that we wish to hide and conceal from others, it also rules those parts of our subconscious which are very receptive to outside influence. The light of the Moon, is going to illuminate this sign and reveal very important aspects, secrets, things that we didn't get the chance to acknowledge, giving us a significant advantage, because it will be very clear to us at that time where we stand, in relation to other people, in relation to our place of work, and everything that we might share with other people, both material and emotional values. The sign of Scorpio also rules debt, so if you are facing such problems in your life, the full moon can illuminate very ingenious, practical solutions to make significant changes, and reduce or eliminate debts. From a strict psychological perspective, the revelations gifted by the Moon, during this time, might show you your own relationship with money and values, and this isn't that much about self worth, but rather what it is that you expect from other people, and how the outside world mirrors your worth, and how you respond emotionally to this kind of “feedback”. These energies can play out in a very self-satisfying manner, you could be very pleasantly surprised that there are people in your life who actually have very high regards for your skills and talents and for your persona, but they might not show it in a very palpable way. However, if you may find yourself not being really satisfied with how other people perceive your worth, then you will also be shown what it is and where it is that you need to make changes. These changes are going to be mostly inner ones, because Scorpio represents they way you subconsciously behave, depending on the way you emotionally programmed it, and during this Full Moon, you are going to be given the chance to influence that programming the way it advantages you the most. This could also play out as a significant realization regarding your social connections and friendships. Chances are those people who speak behind your back, are dishonest, are using you to their own advantage, have concealed, hidden intentions, are going to reveal themselves, or the hand of fate is going to expose them. But, this energy could also play out against you, if you have hidden intentions and are dishonest to someone. The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which is a symbol of the power of fate and since full moon usually reveal even the most painful truths, chances are that dishonest relationships are going to come to an end, regardless if you are the one fueling them, or if you are the victim of those situations. The fusing of the energies of the Moon and that of Scorpio, can also have some very unusual manifestations, since this sign also rules sexuality, and full moons always catalyze sexual urges and desires. If you have hidden sexual desires, fetishes, curiosities, or any kind of sexual fantasies, which you didn't really have the chance to experience, powerful and significant connections could be made during this time, to enable you to experience that which you are the most curious about. Because of another aspect taking place at the time of this full moon (which I'm gonna talk about later on), there is a chance that powerful fated encounters can take place uniting destined lovers of the same sex. From this point of view, same sex twin-flame unions, soulmate-unions, life long friendships, the beginning of long lasting romance can occur, especially advantaging those people who seek same sex relationships and romance Last, but not least, there is another very controversial domain ruled by both the Moon, and the sing of Scorpio, so this celestial union of these two energies is going to greatly benefit mystics, occultists, everyone interested in the paranormal, magicians, demonologists, necromancers, fortune-tellers, seers, parapsychologists etc. The night preceding, during and after the Full Moon is going to be truly magical, when the veil between the worlds is especially thin, and everyone who has a connection, interest, or fascination with the “other side” can have the chance to witness the paranormal in it's full glory. This will be an ideal time to perform the most potent rituals, summoning, evocations and invocations, to ask for visions, to ask for guidance, to ask for sings from the Universe. Also, during this time prayers are especially powerful, so if you have any burden on your soul, if you have any major concern and problem in your life, if you are struggling with depression, anxiety, fears, traumas, or are going through any kind of hardship, it is during this time that the Universe is going to be most receptive to your pleas. The Full Moon is also going to very powerful aspects: The Moon in Scorpio is going form a conversation of supreme harmony with Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. This conversation adds a karmic touch to events in your life, that are going to take place during this full moon, something that you worked extremely hard for in the recent past, is going to finally come to fruition, especially regarding those deeds of yours which the world, society, other people are in your debt for , regardless what kind of work we are talking about, it is going to be rewarded. This can play out in a very different manner, where no one else except yourself is involved, if, you did a lot of inner work, if you invested all your efforts into making powerful inner changes, freeing yourself from psychological obstacles, trying to make sense of the past, trying your hardest to forgive people who wronged you in life, then during this time you are truly going to feel a sense of greater freedom, inviting new energies into your life, because you are going to feel as if truly have an open space in your heart and soul for something new. This energy is very likely to influence your family relations in a positive way. If you had any conflicts, or simply an emotional distance towards your parents, (Saturn representing the father figure, while the Moon the mother) then you will have the opportunity to understand their perspective, the way they lived and perceived life, more than ever, and this could create forgiveness, understanding, harmony and the disappearance of all false expectation you've had from your parents or they had from you. This aspect, encourages you to take a look back in your childhood, but instead of critical eyes, it encourages you to stand from a place of compassion and understanding, and most importantly forgiveness. You might realize that if you'd be in their shoes, and if you'd live the times they had, perhaps you wouldn't do that much better yourself, or if you would, then you can forgive the past and make sure that in the future, you are going to do things and build the structures of your life your way, your parents served you as a powerful karmic lesson, showing you all the things you MUST do differently, enabling you to be a better parent to your own children, if it's the case, or simply to be proud of yourself for overcoming your programming, education and becoming the person who you are today, one that you can respect and love. And because you understand the role of the anti example, you will find the inner strength and love, to appreciate your parents that much more, and can, perhaps for the first time, feel true authentic gratitude for not making things easy for you, enabling you to fight all the challenges to become your own personal “superhero”, which you are today. Neptune in his home sign of Pisces is also going to form a sextile (positive aspect) with Saturn and Pluto, which will further add an energy of understanding, compassion, unconditional love, and humanitarianism to this astrological picture. Powerful intuitive, dream like energies are going to offer significant guidance, and give you the emotional strength to keep on working hard for your dreams, and if there is anything you are struggling with, like quitting addictions, smoking, drinking, video games etc, chances are you are going to have more motivation then usual to withdraw yourself. And if it comes to escapism, rather then escaping reality with the help of an external force, like a substance, your own fantasies, dreamworld can offer you much greater satisfaction, that anything that could source from the outside. Because this is a sextile, it is your own responsibility to use these energies wisely, because Saturn in Capricorn demands that you never forget even for one second where you stand and what your situation and most importantly duties you have in the real world, while Pluto reminds you of the powerful influence your dreams and desires and inner psychological processes can have on the wholeness of your being. Because Jupiter in Sagittarius forms a conversation of tension with Neptune, is is very important to keep a certain balance, and to realize that any form of escapism, serves as a chance to rest the mind and the soul, and to enliven and enrich our inner beauty, and not so much to drown ourselves in pleasures, because overindulging in fantasies and dreams can disconnect us from the real world. Another beautiful and harmonious aspect is the Sun conjunct Mercury in the sign of Taurus forming trine with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This harmonious celestial dance between these planets, shows us the importance of communication and self expression. All people working in communication, or who intermediate communication between organizations and the individual are going to be advantaged, progress regarding legal matters, documents, replies/responses from banks are also going to be favored by this energy. From a spiritual perspective this harmonious dance shows you the power of your mind, how your thoughts, the way you control and direct your emotions logically, can influence the physical aspects of your life. Personal affirmations, mantras, expressing that which you desire in a direct manner all have a certain gravity and magnetism attached to it, in other words, what you speak is what you create, is what this energy is all about. Also, this can bring you gratitude, official recognition, moral or honorary rewards for your past good deeds, supporting a person or a just cause. Last but not least, there is a very positive aspect taking place, one which doesn't directly communicate with the Full moon, but it's an extremely positive energy nevertheless: Venus, the planet of love and beauty, entering her home sign of Taurus, forming a conjunction with Uranus the planet of revolution, surprises and the unexpected, are going to speak in supreme harmony with Mars in the watery sing of Cancer. Venus in Taurus, is the earthly representation of Venus, the earthly Aphrodite, so to speak., so this represents physical beauty, love in it's corporal, palpable, expressed form, while Mars, the male principle of attraction and love, and the expression of love in the sign of Cancer takes on the role of a protector, defender, conqueror through compassion and love. This conversation encourages unions, engagements, marriages and surprise pregnancies, because a powerful Mars in the sign of Cancer, which is the astrological house of the soul's home, of family, emotional stability, emotional support, being comfortable emotionally with another person, can encourage the strengthening and consolidation of bonds, even in the most unexpected and unpredictable moments. For those of you who are single and looking, Venus conjunct Uranus can be a very powerful ally, because Uranus is also associated with magnetism, while Venus with your own personal power of physical and emotional attraction, and if we add the energy of Mars the conqueror, to this conversation, chances are you are going to attract someone into your life, someone who also offers you an emotional satisfaction, not just a physical one. Because this type of conversation is a sextile, which means that it very much depends on your choices and on your own actions, you need to be available, and you need to be “out there”, for this to work, and for those of you who are in an established bond, there's also a chance for 'third party” events to happen, meaning that you or your partner could attract someone who won't care that you are in an established bond, and because Uranus provides a good level of chaos and independence, you might not be able to display full self discipline during this time. For the collective, things might not seem that much harmonious, because these energies can reveal very impactful secrets about very influential people like world leaders and heads of states, which can cause social unrest. Also Eris, the planetoid of discord and rebellion, also forms a conversation of maximum tension with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, which is going to continue urging people to rebel against social structures, governments and fight for their freedom, all of this while Jupiter is still retrograde in it's home sign of Sagittarius, igniting the flames of religious fanaticism. Last, but not least I would like to return to the magical nature of this Full Moon in Scorpio, from an astrological perspective the planets are going to form two mystic triangles, one of them between the Sun Pluto and Moon, and the other one The Moon Pluto and Mercury. These energies make the Universe very receptive to thoughts, affirmations and the power of your mind, so during this time it would be wise to use your mystical powers and spirituality towards harmonious purposes, otherwise you might be challenged to understand the saying “be careful what you wish for!” from a whole new perspective.


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May 10, 2019

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