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Full Moon in Gemini (November 23rd)

Hi everyone, welcome to another Full Moon special forecast. November's Full Moon is going to take place in the sign of Gemini! This astrological event is an extremely powerful one in it's self, but guess what? It's power and effects are going to be greatly amplified and polarized by others aspects taking place around the time of the Full Moon, which is 23rd of November.

Before, we take a look at the influence of the other aspects, let's see what this Full Moon brings us, infused wit Gemini energy.

The very first thing to mention is, that emotionally, everyone is going to be bombarded, by the lightheartedness, spontaneity, optimistic and creative (better said creative chaos) nature of Gemini.

It's a great time for communication of all sorts, great time to fully express yourself, great time to be "in the spotlight" and shine as bright as you can, a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, but not just anyone, the exact types of people who you love spending time with the most, who inspire you, who are on the same wavelength as you and share common goals and vision of life.

Gemini can be perceived as a gateway to the Divine, as a messenger, who gathers the most pure dreams, and wishes of mortals, carefully processes them and then, delivers them to the Divine to help them manifest. And perhaps, in my opinion, this is the most important form of communication, where, one's soul speaks directly to "God", the Source of all existence.

As you can see in previous articles, where I talked about this New Moon in Scorpio and all the purification it forced us to go through, and of course the whole year 2018, which was greatly influenced by Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, which forced us to find our real selves, to break away from false values and society, and to recall our most sacred dreams and wishes, ones which we were born with, and stayed pure, untainted by education, media, society and the value of other people.

I know too well, that this was an extremely painful process, and it changed most of us forever, BUT all that emotional healing, all the inner work we did leads up to this Full Moon in Gemini. The reason why we purified ourselves to the very core of our beings, was this exact reason, that now, we have the chance to communicate directly with the Source, and manifest, bring to fruition that which we desire the most in this life.

For some people this can mean the career they always dreamed of, visiting that hard to reach exotic place you always wanted to see, finding the true love of your life, healing a life long trauma, making peace with someone who you've always been in contact with, and unfortunately for some people their dreams of ultimate vengeance being fulfilled. Gemini is a dual sign, so we ca be sure that no one is left out, and some people who have suffered way too much in life, wish nothing but justice, that is exactly what they are going to get, but I'll speak more about the shadowy aspect of the Full Moon towards the end.

There are 2 major aspects which amplify the energy of this Full Moon in Gemini, and make it as powerful, life changing, (or sadly life ending for certain individuals), as it's going to be.

The First is Jupiter in Sagittarius. While this is a crucial aspect, not just for this Full Moon, but for all of 2019 (you can read more here:, since Sagittarius is the higher octave of Gemini, and Jupiter, now more than ever expands everything, it will me the most spiritual time of the year.

Sagittarius has everything to do with spirituality, and finding your higher purpose in life, in the Universe, so to speak, if we combine this with the possibility to manifest, through spirituality, that, which we desire, brought on by the power of the Moon, it's gonna be a time when the unexpected, will rule our lives for a short period of time.

From a spiritual perspective, intuition it's gonna be at it's highest, dreams are gonna feel more real than physical reality, the third eye is gonna be opened wide, divine synchronicity will invade our every waking hour. To be totally honest, it's really hard to predict everything that this Full Moon can conjure up, but one thing is for sure, for a couple of days the paranormal, the spirit, the divine will rule all aspects of our lives.

The fact that, the North node moved into Cancer, which is also a highly spiritual and emotional sign, is the cherry on the top. The energies of Cancer, will make this spiritual vibe, something permanent. Yes, of course the amplitude of the unusual, the out of the ordinary, the "miracle state" will die down a little bit, but Cancer will make sure to use it's "pincers" and get a very tight grip on this spiritual state, and make it constant for the next 1.5 years.

The South node in Capricorn, doesn't really contradict this, in fact it just gives a greater balance, making sure that our emotions don't go haywire, and our dreamy states, don't turn into false hopes, false prophecies and hallucinations. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, will be the keeper of balance, and will make sure, that we successfully bring the spiritual values that we gain into every day life, and the 2 aspects of one's self will act in perfect harmony.

If, you thought, that the spiritual vibe can't get any stronger, Well Mars is going to be in Pisces, along with Neptune. The fiery Mars, who is a true spiritual warrior, a champion, a hero, who always fight for the Self, when deeply immersed in the spiritual and psychic water of Neptune will conjure a sort of spiritual "sea-quake", a "tsunami" of the souls and all the values it hold. This means that for most of us, around the time of the Full Moon, that which is within the soul, within the heart will matter the most, and all decisions will be based on the fact, if they can bring us ultimate happiness and freedom of heart and emotion, or not.

Another important aspect, which is going to have a massive influence is Venus direct being in her home of Libra.

One of the most advantaged people are going to be artists, I think it would be for the best if I don't make any predictions here, I don't wanna ruin the surprise and the happiness. If you are an artist, this is going to be the time of your life!

For other people it has to do with love and attraction. Some of us are waiting for our soul mates, someone who's soul we can gaze into and find a reflection of our own ideas, values, spirituality and mostly inner beauty. For others this attraction means, that the opportunities will come in our way to do that which we LOVE doing the most in life.

A bit more generally speaking, if you combine the energy of Gemini with that of Libra, empowered by the Celestial Queen of love and beauty, we're gonna get an overflow of romance, flirts, romantic activities, sexuality, social get-together, celebrations, fun and play.

If you are in a steady and committed relationship, be careful because this is the perfect moment, when "mistakes" can be made, third party situations can occur, because hormones will be our of control.

Last, but not least I would like to interpret a very different side of this astrological context, which no astrologist talk about. The Full Moon in Gemini can mean something totally different for a few people. These people include victims of something (another person, society, the system, crime, ignorance of the mass, who suffered a major injustice), who's lives were ruined, who's souls were saddened so deeply that they can no longer find even a faint spark of happiness and hope in their hearts. Well this Full Moon, as I mentioned before will empower the sign of Gemini to act as a divine messenger, and sadly, especially in modern times, not all dreams and wishes have a positive polarization. Some people are waiting for justice, and we're talking about divine justice here, the manifestation of karma. Gemini is a dual sign, so it will deliver the most pure, and distilled wishes of vengeance, wrath, judgment to the Source. Since the South node is in Capricorn, there isn't going to be a polarity filter, as long as the wish is pure and comes out of the core of one's being, it's gonna manifest. Unfortunately, when such a deep and spiritual astrological configuration takes place, while it's laughter and joy for most people, for some it brings deep depression, sadness and despair heightened to the ultimate state, and when a being reaches this state, this Divine power opened by Gemini, can manifest accidents, misfortunes, "negative miracles", so to speak, which end the suffering of the soul, by erasing the physical existence.

If you know of such a person, during the time of this Full Moon please be kind and gentle with them, because if they reach a state of maximum suffering, their story will end there, because, at the end of the day both Gemini and it's opposite sign of Sagittarius, empowered by the merciful Jupiter, can show a "different" kind of mercy, and while this may be a source of ultimate joy for that specific soul, it's a totally different story for it's friends and relatives.

Thank you for your time and effort to read this article, I wish you a very happy and joyful Full Moon in Gemini, and may all your dreams and wishes come true!



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