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Full Moon in Cancer (22nd December)

Hi everyone and welcome to another astrology forecast. If you happen to be a spiritual person, or spirituality has an important role in your life, then this Full Moon is going to be something that will delight you!

In order to better understand the significance of this Full Moon happening o the 22nd of December, we have to take into consideration the lunar activity of the previous months. Firstly there were 3 major eclipses (2 lunar and one solar), which charged the Moon with incredible spiritual energies and if we add the powerful Pluto energy into this equation, we come to the conclusion, that the Moon played a significant role into transforming our lives, cleaning us of old energies by bringing our fears to life, but also helping us overcome them, thus putting down the foundations for a new begging. December's New Moon closed the cycle, helped us put the past behind, and helped us break free from toxic people, relationships that no longer served us, or it helped us reach very important personal truths.

During this month's New Moon, Luna also acted like a "sponge", absorbing our inner most desires and wishes into herself, and slowly but surely those seeds of intention (distilled to their most divine essence by the planetary aspects happening at that time) grew, evolved, in some cases they adapted (thanks to Pluto in Capricorn and the shifting of the Nodes), and now, during this Full Moon, it's time for her to release her full power and make everything blossom and bloom.

This Full Moon is really special, because, first of all it is going to take place in Luna's home sign of Cancer, and secondly it's at zero degrees.

So, being in her home sign gives her the chance to unleash her full power, and all of this happening at zero degrees amplifies this powerful and intense watery energy to it's maximum potential.

Generally speaking, Full Moon in Cancer is all about emotion and emotional well being. This couldn't have been better timed, because most people around the world are going to celebrate Christmas, which in it's self is also about unconditional love and emotions at their peak. So, if you put the very source of emotions, of feelings, the queen and ruler of the core of the soul, at her apogee, together with the celebration of love and compassion, you can easily anticipate what this Full Moon is going to feel like. Cancer also rules the family, home, emotional stability, all the people that are very close to you and can be considered part of your life, so the power of the Moon is going to compel most people, if possible, to return to their home, to visit their family, to take part in get-togethers, family reunions, and express as much love, gratitude and compassion as they possibly can. This year, it's all about giving, and much less about receiving, for the Moon in Cancer represents very idealistic energies, dream like states, and most of all tolerance and forgiveness, in other words, everything that Christmas is all about. Also, there is going to be a tendency to make a difference in the lives of people less fortunate than ourselves, this could mean supporting charities, giving donations to disadvantaged people, especially children, or any other gesture of kindness and compassion.

Globally, this is not going to play out in such a gentle and loving way, because the power of the Moon also causes great unrest in the masses, it wakes up feelings and emotions in one's self, which would be normally passive or dormant. An overflow of emotions, especially love and compassion, will cause a great unrest, and violence, because society, global economic situation, the big difference between social classes is a major obstacle for expressing compassion and mercy on a global scale. The limited amount of money, resources, finances, the un-cooperative attitude of the governmental organizations etc. can be seen by the masses as the true enemy of this heightened, ennobled state of being ruled by Cancer. (Let's not forget that the North node is also in Cancer, so humanity is going through an emotional, moral, spiritual upgrade)

In astrological terms, the Full Moon is going to have a conversation of tension with the South Node in Capricorn, which is all about the tuning down of emotions, the focus being put on practicality and sheer logic. While this, in it's self, is just a conflict of 2 different states, as these energies manifest on our Planet, this indeed is going to cause protests, revolutions, uprising, and social tension. The Full Moon squaring Uranus retrograde further catalyzes the probability of these events.

Now, that we have a good picture of what this Full Moon represents generally, I would like to highlight it's most important aspect, of what it means spiritually. The Moon from the beginning of time has played a very important role in spirituality and magical practices, so it comes as no surprise, that the apogee of the Lunar cycle, happening in her home sign, is going to have a massive impact on spiritual practices.

For those of you, who have a deep connection with the Moon, or regularly draw upon her energies as part of your spiritual practice, you are in for a treat. This December's Full Moon is going to feel like power without bounds, you have the chance to manifest your biggest dreams and wishes though your spiritual practice. If you believe in the law of attraction, this is equally an important time, because the Moon is the mistress of the oceans, seas and other bodies of water, she is the queen of tides, just as her gravity draws upon water, so will your emotional power, the gravity of your feelings, especially love, draw into your life, that which you desire the most. But do not forget, that the Full Moon is going to square the South Node in Capricorn, so you have to put in your contribution into all of this, in other words, you have to do the spiritual/magical work for this to manifest.

And now I reached my favorite part of this article, the Full Moon is going to be even more magical, because of another aspect happening at that time, which is none other than Venus in Scorpio forming a trine with Neptune in Pisces. Venus is the expression of love and beauty, while Neptune is her higher octave, which means that love and beauty on a soul level, the very core of love, and the beauty that exists deep within the furthest reaches of the soul. This can translate to so very many wonderful things, but one of it's most important effect can be that soulmates, twin flames finally meet and unite. If, this is what you've been working and waiting for all year, then chances are, that during this Full Moon, you have all the celestial help you could possibly get, to attract, manifest your soulmate into your life. Venus in Scorpio is also very important, because if you already met your soulmate, but for one reason or another you couldn't make things work, this is your second chance! Scorpio can mutate things, change things, transform and adapt things to suit a new reality.

Lastly, I would like to talk about the negative aspects of this Full Moon. I know that people don't generally like my work, because I also speak about negative things, but these are part of life, part of our earthly experience and we need to be aware of them. Ignorance is not always bliss!

Until this point, I've talked about all the blessing,beauty, emotional fulfillment, state of bliss, that the Moon can bring forth, but you know how it is, everything can have a very negative side as well. The emotions that the Moon will catalyze, can also be negative ones. People who are going through emotional hardship, have serious financial problems, suffer from traumas, depression, anxiety, lost someone dear recently, or know that they are going to be alone and lonely this Christmas, have to be very very very careful! Suffering, bad emotions, can cloud the mind, and if the Moon amplifies these states, it could lead to a serious aggravation, where one can easily consider suicide. Uranus retrograde plays an important role in this, because it can give us strength and courage to perform the most dreadful and darkest deeds. The powerful neptunian energies, can also aggravate addiction problems or escapism, meaning that alcohol and drugs can represent a serious threat to one's life, because just as happy people are gonna experience a state of bliss, unhappy people are going to experience suffering without limits, so perhaps drugs and alcohol will be needed limitlessly to drown the sorrows.

Another negative aspect that makes this extremely dangerous to emotionally vulnerable people, is the square that the Full Moon forms with Dark Moon Lilith in Aquarius, this means a tendency to be extremely rough with one's self, to punish the self for all the suffering and negative emotions that one is feeling, and to "do something about it".

So please, if you know, that you are going to be alone at the time of the Full Moon, or the winter celebrations, or if you know that this years celebration can't be a happy one, be gentle with yourself and try your very best to make it as pain and suffering free as possible. It doesn't matter if it is or isn't your fault, because if you support yourself, and do your best not to let yourself drown in unhealthy emotions, next year you can do things differently and make it the best celebration of your life.

If you know someone who is going through a very tough time, please, do not rub salt in their wounds and show how lucky and fortunate you are, don't express your happiness in such a manner, in which you unwillingly highlight the contrast, (lacks and unhappiness of another), because by doing this you just make things worse. Instead use the power of the Moon together with your happiness and optimism and send good thoughts, prayers to those people who need it the most, silently and discretely.

Thank you for your time and energy to read my work and I wish everyone a very happy Full Moon and happy winter celebrations!



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