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Full Moon in Aquarius

Hi everyone! In this article we are going to be talking about the upcoming full Moon in the sign of Aquarius, taking place on the 15th of August (give or take a day depending on which side of the planet you're on), a full moon which promises us completions, through which we can enable powerful changes in our lives, but also contribute to global changes. As you know from previous articles, full Moons signify completions, sometimes endings, things coming to fruition, emotional and mental clarity, it can reveal things hidden from our sights, and it's usually quite a magical time when our senses are extremely sharp and our intuitions are the most active. This full Moon is going to occur in the sign of Aquarius, which rules a number of different things, for example our social connections, our place and role in society, the way we perceive society, our circle of friends, our contributions to society, the way we form connections with other people, our humanitarianism, our desires to be equal, but in a way in which we can preserve our distinctiveness, and on a very personal note, our hopes, dreams and desires. Depending on where 22 degrees of Aquarius falls in your personal chart, you can anticipate completions, fruition or closures in that area of your sky which is ruled by this sign, also if you have any planets close to this degree, those can also play a massive influence. One of the main influences and effects of this full Moon, in my opinion is going to be very powerful, impacting, and game changing truths, which are going to be highlighted by the light of the moon, regarding the actual state of society, where we are invited to observe all those things which pose themselves as major obstacles, preventing us from reaching a state of harmony with the rest of the human collective, but it can also shed light on those virtues and principles which do keep us all connected, and offer us a sense of oneness. During this time, we are invited to become aware of all those things that we need to change in order to become more united, more solitary, compassionate and equal to each other, we are invited to think and imagine new ways which can offer us a greater sense of social justice, where no one is forgotten and left behind, but in such a way that we do not restrict the expression of the distinctiveness of one's self. The Sun is going to illuminate the Moon from the sign of Leo, which rules leaders, nobles, kings, VIP, so there is a chance that some very significant truth about world leaders or very influential people, to come to the surface during this time. This could also play out as world leaders taking the initiative to disclose, reveal, expose truths, facts, information which were kept secret, but which have the potential to have a profound impact on society, humanity as a collective. Aquarius is also sign of revolutionaries, visionaries, the representatives of humanity with the sharpest minds and intellects, who are always one step ahead in the future, those who can leave a profound impact on society and force it to evolve, perfect it's self, implement innovation, so we might see people who match this archetype gain significant ground and become very active on the world stage. During the full Moon, the Sun is going to be conjunct with Venus, and this type of conversation is one of tension, because it implies that it will oppose the Moon, so this can play out in a number of different ways. First of all for the individual this might break some social connections which do not advantage you anymore, fake friendships, alliances off all sorts which aren't based on equality have a high chance to dissolve, your feelings about a collective to which you belong to might change all of a sudden, especially if you find that the love and emotional power you invest in it, is not returned, or you are in a great disadvantage. Venus also rules finances, material values and self worth, so this might have an impact on your finances as well, because there is a tendency to break all contracts, agreements, promises which disadvantage you, or perhaps drain your resources, drain you of your time and energy without receiving anything back, especially emotional satisfaction. But this can also play out as identifying where your true place is, where your skills, virtues and everything that makes you valuable would serve your highest interest, and not only just yourself but others as well, so the light of the moon can definitely guide you in the right direction. If you had major arguments, break-ups, or you suffered in injustice coming from a friend or social circle, during this time you may get apologies and an offer of reconciliation. For some people, this energy can offer clarity, information, a push in the right direction, in order for you to accomplish your dreams and desires. You might have the chance to come across people who can help you and who have everything you need in order to make progress, and there is a high chance for these connections to take place. Also, during this time, there might arise a need to compromise, not to be very strict or rigid with your ideals and principles, you might be asked to drop down your defenses and allow other people into your life, or to be an active part of a collective. There is another aspect which can influence the energies of this full Moon, and that is the Moon opposition to Mars in Leo. This aspect calls for action, it calls for initiative, it call for courage, ambition and determination, because you will need to activate the inner warrior in order to make progress and to have the power and influence to have your say in how the collective affects you. Just knowing, believing and protecting your principles is not enough, they need to be expressed, you need to adapt a very firm stance, an attitude, you need to follow a course of action in order to implement change. Believing in yourself, trusting yourself, having courage, and risking when it is absolutely necessary, is imperative for success during this time, and the light of the Moon is going to reveal to you and guide you towards taking all the right actions or making all the right decisions, even if some are difficult and risky. During the time of the full moon, there is an aspect, which even though is not directly linked to the Moon or Sun, it can still have a big influence, because Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius is going to form a square with Mercury. This is a very potent energy, because Uranus is going to be retrograde during this time, meaning that it's energies are gonna act inwards, bringing out the rebel, the revolutionary, the opposer from within us, and it's going to form a conversation of tension with it's lower octave Mercury. Both of these planets are very quick, very hasty, they urge for immediate action and this can complicate things very much, because during such a conversation we might express everything that we think or is born in our minds without any kind of filter, control, or self discipline, which can lead to conflict. Mercury in Leo, at it's worst, can represent aggressive, arrogant, belittling words and communication, while Uranus can create irresistible impulses to speak our minds. At it's best this can become a very powerful positive stress, where our wisdom, our intellect and the sharpness of our awareness enables us to identify all the right course of actions, come up with the best plans, with the most ingenious ideas, and if we possess enough self knowledge to know when and where to act, and how to enable them, then this can lead to great success, and public recognition, honors, popularity. This can also play out as shocks, surprises, unexpected twists and turn of events, but also as moments of very powerful sudden realizations and epiphanies, which can change our future plans and goals, allowing us to reach a higher degree of perfection. During this time, Jupiter has also gone direct in his home sign of Sagittarius, making him an extremely potent power player, and while during the time of the full Moon it's not going to have any conversations with either the Sun or Moon, it's effect is still going to be very dominant, because Sagittarius rules space travel, scientific discoveries, the mysteries of the space and cosmos, so there is a high chance that during his stay in his home sign, where it also has the Galactic Center, and the Great Attractor, humanity as a collective can make a huge breakthrough on some new space travel technology, make some shocking cosmological discoveries, or even receive contact from other civilizations, or as some suspect this might be revealed to us as a collective, if such an event has already taken place. Thank you so much for reading, I wish everyone a blessed and magical full Moon, it's going to be a great and powerful time, enjoy!



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