Hi everyone and welcome to your horoscope for the beginning until the middle of February 2019. Before I get into the horoscope, I would like to talk about the main aspects taking place at the beginning of the month, aspects that are going to have a very powerful influence, both personally and globally. One of these aspects is Saturn in his home sing of Capricorn speaking in harmony with Neptune, who is also in his home sign of Pisces. This conversation is extremely important and beneficial, because it gives us all the chance to manifest our inner most desires. While for most people it only offers a small chance (and the manifestation to merely take a symbolical form), for those of us that are in tune with our inner cosmos, who have followed a path of self discovery, and practiced compassion, kindness, self love, union with the spirit and the divine, our chances are quite high to witness a personal miracle. While we shouldn't take this as a physical manifestation of the supernatural, so to speak, (even though we can't exclude this) or in the sense that all your dreams are going to come true, we should rather look at this in a spiritual sense, that we will witness, feel something that is the representation of sacredness. If you would like to know what that sacredness is, the only possible place to find the answer to that is inside your soul. The second aspect, I would like to mention is quite a challenging one: Mars in his home sing of Aries forming a square with Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect can lead to a lot of conflict and tensions, because Mars empowered by all the fiery energy of Aries is the supreme expression of one's will, it represents a healthy ego expressing one's sovereign will, while Pluto, the higher octave of Mars represents raw and boundless power, a power which needs to be tamed and used extremely wisely, because the excess of it could lead to devastation. That is why, it is recommended that you always think before you act, because this conversation between these two very powerful energies may cause a heightened irritability, impulsivity, outbursts of anger and frustration. On the positive note, this raw almost primordial power, might be exactly what certain individuals need to perform very difficult tasks which require a lot of determination and resilience. Mars sextile with Mercury conjunct Sun in Aquarius. This is a beautiful aspect because it advantages all people who work on-line, through the internet, in communication, customer service, travel agents etc. it is going to boost all communication, creativity, self-expression, it is going to provide a lot of inspiration, new ideas, new plans, new perspectives, new outlooks on life. Social events, gatherings, parties, celebrations of all sorts, workshops, get-totterers are all going to be blessed by this energy. Additionally, this is also a very favorable aspect globally, because Mercury Sun in Aquarius also represents new inventions, breakthrough's in science, telecommunication, new means to travel, new discoveries in astronomy, and the creation of new sciences. I kept my favorite aspect last, I am really looking forward to this energy, because it is going to be once in a lifetime chance. This aspect is something rare, which only happens every 80 years or so. Uranus in the sign of Aries speaking in supreme harmony with Venus who is also traversing a fire sing, Sagittarius. I think, you don't have to be an astrologer, to figure out that, whenever Venus is part of a positive aspect, it's going to bring a major blessing in at least one area of your life. And because her partner in this divine conversation is none other than Uranus, we can be sure, that, it's going to come unexpectedly, perhaps in ways or shapes that exceed your wildest expectations, and it's going to change that area of your life for the better. This will be the most perfect and ideal time for soulmates to find each other, fated events regarding love or material gains to happen. It could also represent an inner change, an awakening of your superior self, leading you towards the discovery of what true love means for you and what the key to your personal happiness truly is. The benefits of this harmonious conversation will vary depending on the element of your signs. Air sings are going to be blessed with the most perfect and ideal social connections to enable all their plans, Water sings are going to benefit from financial abundance or recognition at their place of work, or a dream job, Fire sings will most likely attract love, and the most ideal partners, while Earth signs are going to be granted the power and means and the wisdom to make changes in their lives in the direction they desire the most.
Aries natives are going to have a very versatile start of February, because a challenging aspect is taking place in their sign: Mars, their ruler is going to form a square with Pluto in Capricorn. This means that for a few days you might find yourself very dissatisfied with your work, with your job, with your routine, with all the things that you didn't get the chance to do in life, and you might feel that you don't get enough recognition for all the hard work that you do, or you might be disappointed by people that you help and support. Fortunately this tension is only going to last a few days, and it might even benefit you, because the inner tension can very easily lead to an inner revolution, where a moment of epiphany might just propulse you to figuring out the next major thing you wish to accomplish in the future. Because Pluto is involved in this aspect, it also might represent that you leave behind old values, giving you the power to eliminate those things from your lie that irritate you and hold you back. This is also going to be a fantastic time to spend time with friends and loved ones, go out, meet new people, make new friends, everything that involves socializing, expressing your joy of living is going to be greatly advantaged. If there is a perfect time to indulge your senses and to offer your self all the earthly pleasure, then this is certainly that time. You also might benefit from gifts, or someone expressing their gratitude towards you, regardless of the fact that it's going to be expressed materially or not, it will still make you feel good, special, and valued.
Taurus natives are going to have a chance in the beginning of the month of February to take full advantage of their studies and academic achievements. Situation will arise in life, where you can use in a very practical way, everything that you learned, all the skills, talents and personal masteries you worked on and perfected. This will be a case of applied knowledge, the true benefit of experience and skill. Not only is this going to lead you towards material or situational benefit, but you will also feel very grateful and blessed that you had the inspiration to invest so much effort in the past in your education and personal studies. Also, Taurus natives are in for a special surprise from Uranus, events are going to take place in the life of these natives, that are going to have a psychological impact on them. These events might be random, totally unforeseen, or they could be something anticipated, which will also have an element of surprise to it. The impact of the events is going to send Taurus natives into deep thought, meditation for a couple of days, where they will feel the need to reinvent themselves, to shed their old skins so to speak, and emerge totally fresh and new. This isn't about letting go of the past, but rather totally incorporating all the teachings and lessons of the past and fusing them with the desire to experience something fresh and new, something much more meaningful in at least one area of their lives. Not only will they be able to do just that, but they will also find forgiveness and understanding in their hearts, for people who might have wronged them in the past, for themselves for not always respecting their own sanctity, and with all of this a state of inner peace and calmness. Unfortunately there are some aspects of tension as well, which might result in conflicts, miss-communication, misunderstandings at their place of work or within the family, especially parents vs children.
Gemini natives are in for a couple of very busy, but exciting days. The overall energy for Geminis is going to feel rather wonderful, because Mercury their ruler, is in the sing of Aquarius, together with the Sun, and it's also going to form a conjunction with the Sun, in the early days of February. Mercury absolutely loves being in Aquarius, because Aquarius is all about communication, expression, connections, socializing, all the fun and beautiful aspects o communication and inter human connection. It's safe to say you are going to be at your best for the most part of Mercuries transition in Aquarius. This is also a wonderful chance to start a new project, to go self employed, freelance, seek for new and better opportunities for your career, to make your professional life more fun, more exciting, more YOU. Those Gemini that have your own business or work for yourselves, you have the chance to attract the most perfect business partner, or to join forces with someone (collaboration, apprenticeship, mentor ship, coaching, singing of contracts, finding the specialist you have been looking for, or someone finding you.) who will have a very positive impact on your career. It is also a perfect time to use all social connections, all connections from the past to get to where you need to be. During this time people will feel very compassionate and understanding towards you and they are going to offer their help and support, without you having to ask for it. All your past good deeds are going to be well remembered and rewarded. Financial life however is going to be a little uncertain, because if you share resources with someone, the proportion is going to change. This might advantage you and disadvantage you at the same time, the advantages are clearly the financial gains or the commodity (for which you surrender your share of resources) or financial independence, which can be a little bit tough in the first weeks, because you will have to get used to living in a totally different way than you did before. Also there is a good chance to Geminis to recover lost money or to miraculously cover debts which you wouldn't have thought possible to sort out in such a short time. However if you have been struggling money wise for some time now, then Saturn will add a touch of good karma you might find the key to abundance, but this will have it's price: compromise.
Cancer natives will be challenged to reevaluate their love lives. It might be that you are loving or attributing strong feelings to a person who doesn't really feel the same way about you, and it may be that this situation is merely a result of your own wishful thinking. During this time, do not feel sad, or discouraged if you face disappointment on a emotional level, because these apparently negative events, are gonna happen to open your eyes, and give you the chance to see the illusionary nature of those feelings, and that they are not sturdy enough to survive the long-run. However if you are single, this energy turn into a process of emotional purification, giving you the chance to adapt your standards and expectations you might be looking for from a possible lover, and thus giving you the chance to attract someone who is “real” and not just another character from your fantasies. This also means that you have to confront your fear of uncertainty. Cancer natives tend to avoid jumping in a relationship when they don't have the certainty that it's going to last, sometimes you just have to risk it, and with this powerful Uranian energy present, matters of love are going to come as an element of surprise, in a very unexpected way. Career wise, on the other hand, you are going to be blessed with ideas, connections, surprise opportunities, new job and collaboration offers may go your way. Also, if you wish to leave a job, organization and freelance or go solo, the planets are going to be in your favor, as well as for those natives who wish to climb up the power ladder inside a company as well. Students, those who are learning, or working towards a degree are also going to be advantaged in their studies. The sky also smiles upon you from a social and creative perspective, especially if you work in the artistic field, or have specific hobbies, because you have the chance to meet someone who is going to be a major inspiration for you, for many years to come.
Those born under the sign of Leo are going to face some challenges occupation wise. Either you are caught up in a very busy period and are working yourself to death, which is going to lead you towards medical problems, especially the back, joints, limbs, or there is a chance for an accident at work which could also result in minor injures or medial problems. If a busy period at work wasn't enough, unfortunately there is going to be additional pressure on you coming from family and very close people. They will need your help and support in at least one area of their lives, giving you less time for yourself. Lots of positive changes await Leo natives spiritually and psychologically. The energies of February are going to inspire you, force you to go within yourself and discover new inner resources that you never really used until now. This could lead to significant change in the future, because you might get a little taster, of how life would be like, and the person you could become if you used more of your inner skills and innate masteries. If you are facing difficulties in life at this time, chances are this inner revolution and discovery of the self to empower you to break the cycle and emerge stronger than ever before. From a romantic perspective the activities of Uranus and Venus can also offer you a lot of “entertainment”, flirt, meet new people, who you are going to be attracted too. During this period you might feel the need to go out more and preferably date. Because of the powerful energies of Neptune and the conversation of tension he has with Jupiter in Sagittarius, please be aware of who you trust. You might get a lot of fake promises and deception. If someone offers, promises something that is just too good or convenient to be true, then there's probably a hidden catch that you're gonna regret later, or is going to disappoint you.
Virgo natives are going to be blessed with opportunities to make changes around their homes. This could be as minor as a new coat of paint, or as major as buying a new house, or exchanging properties. With the North node being in Cancer at the moment, and all planets being direct, all such activities are going to go smoothly and there will be an element of luck to it. For some natives this might be a longer process which could take several months, so this astrological configuration might only bring you the first steps, and opportunities, which you will have to work with and work on in the following months. Socially, at work, or even at home, you might be going through some days of maximum tension, when everything and everyone annoys you, and you feel totally used by everyone and unappreciated. During this time it would be wise to think carefully before you say anything, because your words can come across as harsh and judgmental. You might have the tendency to punish those around you by constantly expressing your dissatisfaction. Young natives, who are either studying, at the start of their careers, or need some help to get back on their feet, are advantaged by this astrological configuration, it could be that someone whom you helped in the past and even forgot about returns to your life with a surprise offer of help, or it could be your parents, family members, or someone close to you who morally is in your debt might help you out and facilitate your every stet during this period. This is also a perfect time for creativity, for putting your skills and knowledge into practice, this can either become an extra source of money, or if such activities are your only source of money, it could generate a large amount o income during this period.
Libra natives might suffer losses, damages, break down of fault electrical equipment in their homes, or anything to do with personal possession. Instead of feeling regret or to dwell on the inconvenience, you will turn this misfortune into a positive thing, by upgrading and investing more money into your home. This could also be a new car, any other vehicle, phone, tablet, computer etc. During this period there is a chance for problems to surface from the past. This could take the shape of a person, who you have some form of moral obligation towards, or it could be an unresolved and forgotten situation, like a bill, ticket etc. For some natives however, this will only appear psychologically, where they might dwell on the issues of the past or remember very nostalgic moments, or deeply miss a person from the past. February's astrological configuration encourages all Libra natives and Libra rising, to study, learn, go and complete new courses. This mustn’t necessarily take the shape of an official course, you could just simply learn something new your own unique way from someone, or from the internet, for example. All skills, information, masteries that you gain during this transit, is going to greatly help you out in the future. Those of you who might be involved in a court case, legal issues, or are waiting for some form of justice (earthly, moral, karmic), chances are that Saturn and Pluto are going to grant you exactly what you desire. But be very careful, because this means ultimate justice, you might also have to bear the consequences of your own actions. If you owe something to someone, if you made a promise that you couldn't keep during this period you will be confronted with consequences that result from those actions, or better said non-actions. Last but not least, in the first part of February you are going to receive an unexpected blessing in at least one area of your life, because your ruler Venus in Sagittarius is going to converse in supreme harmony with Uranus, who is also in a fire sign. Because of the predominant power of Uranus, it is impossible to tell what it is, or what shape it might take, because Uranus loves to shock, surprise, and conjure the unexpected.
Scorpio natives are in for a very positive and lucrative February. They are going to be blessed with good fortune, but not in a random and unexpected way, but instead they will be able to direct that fortune to areas of their lives which they need working on the most, and also they will weave their good luck into their work. Those natives who own their own business, or are working as freelancers, or are partners in a business will have the chance to take everything to a whole new level. Also everyone who has to deal with institutions (bank, council, institution of the state, court of justice, advocates, etc) is going to find that, regardless of the issue, which forces their collaboration with the institution, it's going to have a very positive response. Their projects, future plans, ideas, that area of life where they invested heavy work and money in the past, is finally going to give results, and at least for February, things are going to go according to plan and schedule or if there is an unexpected element to it, things are going to fall into their places in ideal way. Multitasking, doing several things at the same time, having more than one propriety simultaneously is also greatly encouraged by this astrological configuration. Because of the very potent conversation that their ruler (Pluto) in the sign of Capricorn forms with Mars in Aries, there's also going to be an element of fate. Something predestined, something karmic has to take place in their lives. This might be a fulfillment of something they desired or wanted or was promised to them a long time ago, or it could be quite the opposite, something which is present in their lives for a long time, but it's keeping them in place, shackled is going to disappear. For very few natives, this might be a person, so the fated event might be an inheritance. It's also a very good time for love and romance, so for single Scorpios, it's a perfect time to look for a suitable partner, especially online or through the internet (Mercury in Aquarius promising valuable connections) or if you are in a steady relationship, this might be a sign of pregnancy, or pregnant partner if you are males.
Sagittarius natives are in for a very pleasant surprise. Jupiter still residing in his home sign of Sagittarius joined by Venus (both planets associated with blessings and good fortune), who is going to form conversations of supreme harmony with Uranus in Aries, giving incomprehensible spiritual power to these natives. Since, Sagittarius, represents spirituality and spiritual power manifested, with Jupiter and Venus giving their strength to this sign means the power to bring forth a true miracle. This miracle may not necessarily happen in the lives of Sagittarius natives, because Neptune, the planet of compassion forms a square with Jupiter, this means that chances are higher for these natives to concentrate all their spiritual powers, thought and emotions on another person, and thus enabling the miracle or the spiritual power manifested in the life of that person. This person has to be someone very close to you, and can possibly be a sibling, child, grandchild soulmate, best friend etc. Use this opportunity, (which isn't going to happen again in your lifetime, because it takes Uranus 80 years to return to this position again) to meditate, do any sort of spiritual practice that you feel most comfortable with, or simply dream big, because your dreams and desires represent the seeds that need to sprout, which can very soon turn into the most beautiful flowers, delighting both you and those who are most important in your life. There is also a negative side to this, during this astrological context you might feel the need to waste money, buy unnecessary things, be way too compassionate or generous for your own sake, or to unwisely allow yourself to be taken away by your own idealism. You also might be surprised by someone dear to you who you don't get the chance to see very often, to come and visit you. Capricorn:
Capricorn natives will continue on the road of liberating themselves from their pasts. Since December last year, all of January, February and most of March these natives are going through a deep psychological change. They are carefully analyzing and reevaluating their pasts, and all the events that took place in their lives, and this way they are trying to free themselves from any conditioning, faults in education, past traumas, past unhealthy relationships, which lead them towards feeling lost several times and lowered their self esteem. Unfortunately this process is a long one, and there are good days and bad days, ups and down, and it requires a lot of inner work and self discipline. But the rewards are going to be well worth it, because this inner work that you do isn't just to find your better self and get through the current hardships, but it's to give you the chance to become the person you are destined to be and by discovering your deepest desires, and what requirements one has to meet in order to live that reality which you are co-creating, and all the connections needed to live that life. Because Mercury is going to enter your sign later on in February, it's going to bring a massive step forward. All communication, feedback, connections, friends, work related connections, everything to do with the internet is going to be greatly facilitated. Also it will provide you with all the clarity of thought, and a balance between your mind and emotions. Some Capricorn natives are going to benefit from the chance to go on a long distance travel, even move to another country or another part of the world. While the chance in it's self is fantastic, it will require sacrifices and determination.
It's safe to say that Aquarius natives have been through a lot of ups and down, especially down, which they had to turn to their advantage the last couple of years. February’s astrological configuration gives them the perfect opportunity to use, apply, take advantage of all their knowledge, wisdom and experiences they have gained and learn through their hardship. Their wisdom and awareness will help them make the right choices, either to block and avoid a toxic relationship, even before it has the chance to become serious, or to proceed with caution and wisdom with their money and investments. A new revelation, idea, epiphany, plan, inspiration might provide them with the impulse they need to find the appropriate means to offer themselves (and their families if this is the case) a greater material security for years to come. This might be an investment, buying a land, house, gold, car, or it could mean finding an expert like a financial adviser, mortgage manager etc to greatly help them out. The conversation of tension between Pluto and Mars, might make these natives very irritable and impulsive, so conflicts with colleagues, partners, even customers, if this is the case are very likely. This astrological aspect also offers a blessing for single Aquarians, because their ruler Uranus is going to be speaking in supreme harmony with Venus, increasing your chances to find true love. For those of you who are not looking for love, this energy can mean appreciation, admiration, expression of gratitude, presents, gifts, honorary gestures from the most unexpected places and people. Since Mercury is going to form a conjunction with the sun in their home sings, they will feel a great sense of liberty, the joy of being alive, gratitude for all they have, and very optimistic feelings. This aspect might draw in good fortune, good connections on a social level, and also your popularity on social media is going to skyrocket.
Pisces natives are going to be greatly empowered to fight! Fight for themselves, fight for what they believe in, fight for their positions in society, fight for justice, or simply join the fight of others for humanitarian causes. February's astrological configuration is going to give them a lot of energy, ideas, inner strength, and their intuitive side is going to go haywire. From a spiritual perspective Pisces natives are going to do overtime, but their emotional strength and clarity that results from their spiritual work is going to be their greatest ally. Career wise they are going to be very calculated, tactical, show mastery over their talents and their intuition is going to help them to be one step ahead of everyone. The connections that Venus and Uranus form are going to bless Pisces natives with good fortune and evolution, money, wealth, and social position wise. This money or material gains might not necessarily result from work, it might take the shape of a present or donation, or unexpected and unconditional offer of help. Their work life, in this period might be in close bonds with their social life, because work related travels are to be expected, and since you are going to act as an ambassador for representative of certain people or a whole company, this will add a fun factor to it because socialization and other leisure activities are going to be included. For some Pisces natives these energies will trigger an irresistible desire, or better said inner calling to become a teacher, mentor, professor, work in education in one way or another, or to become a coach, motivator, a source of wisdom and learning for others.