Hi everyone and thank you for joining me in another article. In this article we are going to talk about different ways to benefit from the eclipse energy. The eclipse is going to take place on the 21st of January, where the Sun is going to illuminate a beautiful Full Moon in the sign of Leo at zero degrees and 52 minutes. If you are curious, what this full Lunar eclipse is going to bring into existence, please check out a previous article, specially dedicated to the astrological analysis of this eclipse. There is something that all eclipses, regardless in which sign they take place in, and if it's a solar or lunar, have in common, and that is, because of the astrological conversation between the Sun and Moon the veil between our physical world and higher realms is especially thin, allowing our magical, metaphysical, spiritual, psychological practices to be more efficient and to produce more results, than at any other time. Having this in mind here are a couple of different things you can do on the night of the eclipse. While it would be ideal to actually do it at the time of the eclipse, this may not be possible because in many countries it will fall on very early hours of the morning, so doing these before you go to bed, on the night of the eclipse is sufficient.
If you desire a very important change to come into you life, and have done work towards this already, then this is a perfect opportunity to take full advantage of the energies being released at the eclipse. Use this moment of self empowerment to “dream” about all the different feelings you are going to feel, at the time when the change, you so much desire, enters your life. Try to keep your mind as quiet and possible and try focusing on emotions, feelings, state of being, happiness, joy, and sense of completion. These emotions that you are going to release will become a magnet for the mystical energies bough on by the eclipse, and chances are, the more pure your desire, dream is, the more power and momentum the manifestation is going to get. Because of the presence of Uranus and Mars in Aries, at the time of the eclipse, the manifestation process is going to be quicker than ever before.
If you wish to get rid of things in your life that make you feel uncomfortable, these could be relationships, bad habits, people who annoy you, debts, material aspects that slow your evolution, feelings, traumas, conflicts etc., then this is a perfect moment to focus on feelings of how life would feel if all the things that cause you discomfort would suddenly disappear from your life. Because Saturn is in his home sign of Capricorn, at the time of the eclipse, joined by Pluto, this is a perfect opportunity to use these forces to cleanse your life, and to eliminate all the energies that are not wanted, or to transmute them int something that doesn't bother you.
If you practice some form of divination, then the night of the eclipse will greatly empower, every possible divination method that you might use, thus giving you the chance to see anything that you desire with the greatest possible clarity. It's also a very good time to look into the distant and mysterious future, and have the chance to glimpse at the biggest events, but even the smallest details.
Those individuals, who are using spiritual practices for healing, this is a perfect night to meditate and focus upon your well-being and the balance of your physical body. All healing work is greatly empowered.
Channeling, summoning, evocation, invocation.... and any other spiritual practice which evolves communicating with non physical entities, is greatly advantaged, your thoughts and willpower can reach into the highest realms, so energies and powers which would normally be unreachable or very difficult to reach, are going to be closer to you than ever. Wishes regarding attracting love, soulmate, partner, new friends into your life are also going to be catalyzed.
The darker aspects of magic are equally going to be stronger than ever before, but I do not wish to advise anyone in this perspective.
People who are looking for new ideas, inspiration, solutions, epiphany, inner clarity, to get to know the self more will have the chance to attract the right ideas. It may take a few days until what you seek find you, but to see it in a dream, or vision is also not excluded.
Last but not least, every person who is on a spiritual journey, has the chance to be more connected and in tune with the Source on the night of the eclipse more than in normal circumstances.