Hi everyone and welcome to your tarot-scope for the month of April. From an astrological perspective the month of April is going be a very active month for all signs, firstly because there is a New Moon in Aries, the very first sing of the zodiac, and if we add to this the energies of the New Moon, chances are you are going to benefit from a new beginning, fresh opportunities in at least one Area of your life. Neptune and Venus are also going to meet in supreme harmony in the sign of Pisces, releasing very romantic, dream like energies, giving us the chance to experience love, like we never did before. This doesn't have to be related to a person, this could also play out as love for an activity, hobby, arts, self love, and of course love for another person. The sing of Pisces and it's ruler Neptune represent energies which provide the most divine inspiration for artists, mystics, writers, poets, psychologists, so we can anticipate a very significant progress for everyone, who performs such activities, having Venus and Mercury traverse this sign as well. Another important aspect worth mentioning is Mars entering the sign of Gemini, activating very powerful energies which are gonna boost communication, travels, studies, giving us all the chance to see our stories from more than one perspective, and with new perspectives come new ways of solving all problems, and discovering new combinations to unlock the path towards success. Later on in the month Jupiter, in his home sing of Sagittarius is going to go retrograde, which, in my opinion, isn't a very negative element, because the planet associated with expansion, can also amplify the negative aspects, and problems which we might be facing, so a Jupiter retrograde might give us a chance to relax a little bit, and not invest all our concentration and spiritual energies into solving problems and trying our hardest to attract success into our lives. The cross in the middle represents the overall energies of the month of April. The Four of Fire and the 9 of coins is a wonderful combination promising us the chance to make significant progress towards achieving a greater sense of liberty, individuality and financial stability. The 9 of coins, symbolizes that April is going to be very rewarding, for those people, who have made a lot of sacrifices in order to achieve a greater sense of financial independence. This, can translate to investments paying off, having more time for yourself and to do those things which bring you joy, and fulfillment, people who you have helped in the past, return the favor making your life easier, or it could symbolize that the choices you've made in the recent past were the right ones, and this comes as a reward, pay off for being wise and carefully planning your moves. This card is also a symbol of psychological well being, knowing that you can manage with everything going on in your life, and still have the time, energy and power to focus on yourself, on your well-being, and pretty much living your dream. The 4 of fire (Gaian Tarot) beautifully complements the meaning of the 9 of coins, because this card speaks about feeling “at home”, being satisfied, pleased with your own life and your own body, which can be considered as being your “temple”. This card is also associated with, living the eternal “present” fully, and by doing this, even if you are not a very spiritual person, you are connected to the Source, which will empower you to manifest things in your life, to give you a sense of completion, satisfaction with what you have and how your life is in the present. Now, I'm going to analyze the energies of April for all of the 12 signs of the zodiac:
The Emperor and Death: This is a very beneficial combination, because the “Emperor”s astrological correspondent is actually the sign of Aries, and from an astrological point of view, this month is also dominated by Aries energy, because the Sun is traversing this sign. The Emperor speaks about your personal power, knowing exactly what you desire and how to achieve it, a willingness to go an extra mile, and to invest all your focus and energy into obtaining a change in your life which you have been waiting for quite a long time now. In the recent past, you have gone through quite a tough time, where challenges, sudden changes, unexpected situations, maybe separations even might have caused to you look back at the past and come to the conclusion that a change is absolutely necessary and you are not going to wait anymore. You desire a state of independence, free of moral, social and financial obligations, free of the expectations that those around you are constantly projecting unto you, and of course free from the influence of the “inner demons”, an aspect of yourself which is not very happy with the fact that you don't have as much time and resources to spend on yourself, as you've always dreamed of. According to these cards, the month of April is going to take you closer towards obtaining that which you desire, and it might be the case, that you have to muster all your strength and inner power, and personal authority, to eliminate obstacles from you life, giving you the chance to invite fresh, new energies and opportunities which fit the person who you are much more than the way things are currently standing. With your personal power being amplified, and being fully aligned with your goals and desires, you are going to have the chance to start, initiate, and to make progress with the changes you desire to experience in your life.
3 of coins and Seven of Fire. This comes as a message from the Universe to persevere. The 3 of coins speaks about a busy period, when work/career/job is going to solicit your full attention. This card can signify opportunities which give you the chance to progress with your career, learn something new, achieve a qualification, and also the offer of having the possibility to work with someone who can have a very beneficial effect on you career wise. For those of you who have an own business, this can indicate a period where lots of work and fresh business opportunities can come into play, and in order to ensure the prosperity of your future, you need to sacrifice your time and energy in the present, in order to enjoy a worry free future. The 7 of fire, speaks about very similar things, but from a different perspective. It represents the power of your ambitions, passions, desires which are slowly but surely upgrading your life, giving you the opportunity to refine, shape, enhance all those things in your life which are not fully aligned with how you'd desire them to be, and of course the chance to attract in your life that which you have been missing. You have everything you need in order to successfully complete this “upgrade”, all you need to do is keep the inner fire burning and to persevere with your ambitions and desires. For those of you who are willing to change your jobs, or start a new careers, the 3 of coins and the 7 of fire is a very good sing, because it means that the work you have done, your past achievements, your professional talent and skills may attract the eyes of either a new employer, or a professional who might offer you a chance to collaborate.
King of Swords and The Tree (Hanged man). The King of swords represents the power of your intellect and rationality, and I don't think that it's a coincidence that it appeared, because Mars, the symbol of masculine power is going to be in the sign of Gemini, in the month of April, activating all the virtues, strengths, strong point of these natives. Logic, the ability to see with greater clarity, the power of making decisions based on cold hard facts, rather than the gravity of emotions is going to help you to acquire all the information, opinions, expertise, that you need in order to make solid future plans. The King of Swords for Gemini usually means that you need to take a stand, make an important decision, adapt a psychological stance, schedule and carefully plan events in the future, because right now you are fully aware of the fact that you need more information, communications need to take place which people who are involved in your life, you need to hear their perspective, and of course there are all those things in life, where your own expertise is not sufficient to successfully predict what the future could look like, so it is these factors that you are waiting on, to make a clear picture of what it is that you need to do in order to live a happier, trouble free future. The Tree card suggests, that you need to be very careful about your priorities at the moment, because life will demand certain compromises from you. When making a decision, whether the compromise is acceptable or not, the main priority should be how you FEEL towards the situation that's gonna be created if you'd accept to go forth. If, whatever you will need to accept, is not really aligned with your desires, if it's going to create any obligations which you feel a rejection towards, then you should know that your feelings of rejection will only intensify as times goes forward, so during this time you should delay any choices that you are forced to make. Wait for things to settle, for your emotions to become clearer, and for the communication, and analysis based on logic and hard facts, which the King of swords speaks about, to enter your life.
Queen of Coins reversed and Nine of Earth. The Queen of Coins in reversed position speaks about dissatisfaction with your material stability. By no means does it signify that you are in a bad position from a material perspective, it just means that you life isn't as prosperous as you would desire, and certain things in life, which depend very much on a person's financial situation, (like holidays, buying the present which you would like to give, regardless the cost, upgrading your wardrobe, upgrading your house, buying a new car or electronics etc.) are not gonna play out the way you desired them to be. Of course, this is also a question of perspective, because the Nine of Earth, signifies quite the opposite, all the thighs in your life, that do contribute towards your happiness and stability. So, from this perspective there is a certain contrast between the two cards, a contrast which speaks about events occurring which will necessitate unexpected, unforeseen expenses, which may leave you feeling a little bit restricted financially from doing all the thighs you would like, but at the same time you will find the power to overcome these feelings and stand “tall” and proud, feeling gratitude and joy for all the things that you managed to accomplish and your sense of self-worth is going to be solid and unshakable. The Nine of earth also speaks about you being in the center of attention from a psychical perspective, it may be that your magnetism will draw in new people who are going to look up to you and reaffirm your self-worth, your emotional and psychical beauty is going to be noticed and complimented by all the “right people”, making you feel extraordinarily proud of yourself and the person who you are today.
King of Cups and Six of water. This is a rather “watery” combination for a Leo, native one of the zodiacs most passionate and creative fire sign. The Kings of Cups speaks about events from the past, returning into your life, that are going to be emotional in nature, and are also going to stir a powerful emotional reaction. These events may open up some wounds from the past, but they are meant to offer you the chance to reach a greater sense of emotional understanding of your self and others, how others truly feel about you. The King of Cups represents your own efforts to clarify feelings towards situation which happened in the past, maybe re-conciliate an old friendship, relationship, because you might have not had the chance to fully reach an emotional agreement, due to being overwhelmed by feelings at that time, but now that you have cooled off from an emotional point of view, you are willing to put your pride aside, and approach this from a different perspective. The six of water, suggests a time when you “strip”naked in the sense that you show exactly who you are and how you feel about people, things, situations, and this attitude of honesty, courage and openness, from your side, is going to create the chance to bring greater harmony into all of your relations. Your friends, family, people who you have a connection with might unite their wills with your own and together you can achieve something that you as a group always dreamed of. Additionally this card could also suggest the joys of life from an emotional perspective, that you're gonna experience together with your loved ones, it could be a holiday together, a social event, or simply the joy of being an important part of the circle of friends, loved and respected by everyone who matters to you.
2 of cups reversed and The Awakening (Judgment). The 2 of cups in reversed position speaks about the breakdown of communication, disharmony, disconnection, disappointment, regards to a partner, friend, family member, colleague. For those natives who are in a steady relationship, this could indicate a time when the unity is broken, from a psychological point of view. While it won't affect the stability of the relationship, it will cause a stagnation, because both Virgo natives and their partners are going to be more concerned and focused on their own individual lives, rather then their future together. This apparent disharmony is going to turn around and play out the opposite way, in the sense of strengthening their spiritual and emotional alliance, not necessarily out of their own wills, but rather being forced by life to support each other and work together towards the realization of common goals, or the solving of an unexpected situation. For those of you who are single, this could play out as the disharmony, breakdown of communication, and then the resolution and the strengthening of the bonds with a family member (brother/sister), work associate, colleague, business partner. Additionally the Awakening card, signifies that you will have to make delicate decisions in your close future, decisions, which will have a significant impact on your future, and the 2 of cups reversed can indicate your fears of making the wrong decision or your inability to decide, but there is a karmic element to all of this, so it won't be either your mind nor your heart helping you in this decision, but rather, fate will follow her course and will make the decision for you, leading you towards a path you can accept, and feel good about, without ever having to blame yourself for making an unwise decision
10 of wands and 5 of air. The 10 of wands may suggest that Libra natives are going through a very hard time, from a mental and emotional perspective. It could be that you are losing your patience, with the evolution of certain areas of your life, which really need improvement and progress, and you feel as if the pace at which things are moving, is incredibly slow, so your worries, obligation and commitments may overwhelm you a little bit. Your frustration is justified, because the 10 of wands indicates the fact that you have done everything in your power, to plant the seeds of intention, and you have fulfilled every requirement needed in order for you to boost the evolution of things, and yet progress seems to be very disproportional to your efforts. Fortunately the number 10 is associated with the end of a cycle, so you must do your very best not to let the pressure break you, discourage you, break your dreams or extinguish your inner fire, because everything is going to change soon. But until the first sings of the change start to appear in your life, you must do your very best to hold on and not let chaotic thoughts and fears disturb your calm and optimistic spirit. The 5 of Airs speaks about problems in communication. Be careful in which way you express your thoughts and opinions, because during this time people may misinterpret everything that you say and this could lead to conflicts and breakdowns in relationships. Also it's not a good time to make any promises, it's not a very favorable time to take decisions based on emotions and feelings, because it might lead to unnecessary complication, and further inviting things in your life which have the tendency to bind you morally and cause stagnation. It's better to approach everything with cold logic, and delay important decisions, conclusions until you know (in a very rational sense) that you are ready from every perspective, to act.
5 of cups reversed and 8 of air. Fortunately, the 5 of cups is in reversed position, so it signifies that something from the past, which you thought lost is going to return to your life, giving you the opportunity to reevaluate it, and either act and cease this returning opportunity or give up on it for good. This could be something which appeals to your emotions, so it could be something that you've desired to purchase for a long time but never got the chance, it could be an old dream of yours, for you to accomplish something, or it could be “fixing” old, but broken friendships, relations or the end of an ongoing rivalry. Either case, it has to do with something that, once, was very important for you, but for one reason or another you had to give up on it, causing you dissatisfaction and disappointment, at that time. The 8 of air, is a card which symbolizes the power of a group. This may come as an encouragement, that you need the help, support and the counsel of your friends and people who are close to you, in order to achieve something, that will benefit everyone involved. This can signify achievements at work, where success comes to you in the form of being part of a group, or it could mean that a friend, a close person, or a group that you are part of (work/school/hobby/social/religious etc) are going to share their prosperity, advantages, benefits with you. Additionally it can also signify that you find your place, in a group which really appeals to you either from a professional, spiritual, personal or emotional perspective.
Ace of Wands reversed and Nine of Water. The Ace of wands can indicate the divine fire, which comes as either a great initiative on your behalf to start something new, either a new beginning, being included, “absorbed” in something new, interesting and fascinating, or it may mean Cupid's arrow. Because it is in reversed position, it speaks about the delay of all these things, it speaks about getting what you desire, but not the way you would like it (or when). If it's a new beginning, a new creation, starting something from scratch, that you intend to do, then this may indicate very significant progress in this sense, but not completion. You will get the right idea, the best plans, all the information you need in order to accomplish that, which you desire, but you will also come to understand that the time is not ideal for you to begin anew. This doesn't mean anything negative, because in reversed position, the Ace of Wands signifies, that you will get everything you need in order to complete that which you desire, but before you can make it happen, for certain reasons that do not depend on you or your actions you will need to wait and be patient until the right moment comes, and then everything will fall into place. If it's the fire of love that is gonna ignite in your heart, this may mean, that while the feelings are gonna be present, you will have to wait, until you can unite with the person who you are gonna fall in love with. The Nine of Water, is also a card associated with patience, it speaks about opening up yourself towards the Universe, and giving over the steering wheel of your life's direction, to the greater power, but only temporarily, because you need to enter in a state of flow. A state of flow is when you are so connected and in tune with the course of the Universe, that everything flows to your direction with great ease, allowing you to enjoy everything that heads you way to the fullest. But for you to accomplish achieving this state, you need to have a moment of total honesty with yourself, and ask yourself the question which are those things that are present in your life and do not align with your emotions, or don't make you feel they way you would desire. Only after identifying your true, honest, unconditioned feelings, can you open yourself up to living your own truth.
Wheel of Fortune reversed and 10 of fire. The Wheel of fortune reversed speaks about the appearance of inconveniences in your life, which, at that time are going to be interpreted and felt as unfortunate events, coincidences, back luck, or episodes where you life just gets more complicated every second, all meant to get you out of your comfort zone and muster the strength and courage to eliminate obstacles from you life. Many obstacles that are holding you in place, are hidden, concealed, deeply rooted into the subconscious, that is why events are gonna be triggered which will help you identify everything that's not right in your life and is keeping you in place, and only after knowing, can you muster the strength to eliminate these. Even though at first, these events are going to cause you distress, negative emotions/reactions, the feeling of not being justice or fairness in your life, but in the long run, these events are gonna be the ones which actually give you the strength and the knowledge, to free yourself, from bonds which are preventing you to live a life that you desire. The 10 of fire, is also a card which signifies sudden change, it depicts the ferocity, strength, ruthlessness of a forest fire. While, for the animals and plants of the forest it is devastating at the time when it happens, for Nature herself and for the future generations of forest creatures this is a necessary cleansing and purification needed to give birth to a greater state of balance. The ashes of the burned plants are going to nurture the soil, and create space for new trees to grow, and new generation of forest creatures to move in. This is the way, you should interpret the events that are going to enter your life in the month of April, some may seem a bit harsh, but they are only ensuring the purification and cleansing of your life, from all that which doesn't reflect the person who you are today, anymore.
9 of cups and Five of Water. Judging by the contradictory energies of these 2 cards, the month of April is going to be a very dual month. Firstly the 9 of cups, symbolizes the happiness that you are going to feel by reaching success in something that interests you very much. This could be either honor bestowed upon you at work/career wise, it could be the admiration and gratitude you are going to get socially, for people recognizing your efforts and the superior quality work that you have done for them, or it could be something that you finally achieve after desiring it very much. Regardless of how this situation will play out in your life, it's going to satisfy you, and while the happiness that you are going to feel is gonna be short lived (after reaching one goal, Aquarius natives tend to not waste any time and jump towards attempting to complete another, so the sensation of satisfaction is intense but only lasts until you move on tho the next), but achieving this goal will matter to you very much from a social perspective, either because it is going to reflect your worth, or your truth, both of which are very important for an Aquarius native. The 5 of water, speaks about the lack of change, from an emotional perspective. This might signify that certain people present in your life are not willing/unable to change, to adapt to your needs, to your requirements, and this is going to cause you a sense of disillusion, like you were unwise in the past to trust these people. Also it signifies the stagnation of your own feelings, perhaps there are some emotions that you are still experiencing, but you really shouldn't anymore (grief, missing someone, old trauma caused by someone, regret, rejection etc), that just don't seem to vanish, no matter how hard you try to let go. Intuitively you know that something must happen in your life, to enable you to change the way you feel, but no matter how strongly you feel that it's close and near, it's still one step away from you, and this can cause you to feel “abandoned”, not supported by the Universe. Know that you are not your feelings, and letting go is easier if you align your thoughts with your emotions, the time when the universe is gonna turn things around for you is coming, it's not a question of if, it's a question of when, and until that fateful day comes, you must do your best to work with what you've got.
5 of Swords and Guardian of Fire. The 5 of swords warns you to open up all your senses, because there is a lot of subtlety around you. People, who surround you, may be using you for your own advantage, and camouflaging their gestures as asking favors based on friendship and honors. If such a situation enters your life, you must learn to say no, and to see those people, who are constantly appealing for your aid or advice, with more critical eyes. The 5 of wands can also be a card which speaks about your own subtlety, in the sens of a self sabotaging attitude, by not speaking your own truth and not expressing your will clearly, in order not to hurt the feelings of others. While Pisces natives are very compassionate and sensitive individuals, and hurting others, would be like hurting themselves, sometimes these situations are unavoidable in life. Putting your own self in disadvantage, and allowing others to manipulate you, or to negate your will, is not gonna lead you towards a place of greater harmony, sometimes friends have to clash in order to strengthen their bonds. The Guarding of Fire appears in order to strengthen the meaning of the 5 of swords. It represents that is is your sacred duty toward yourself to stand up for your truth, and repel anything and anyone who might wish to change you forcefully either directly or by manipulating you. When your inner fire tends to get weaker, when the flames are about to go out, you have everything you need to spark it up, and keep it ever burning, and also, when the flames go a bit too high and the heat of emotions reach boiling point, you can tune it down. But only you have the right to set the intensity of your own fire, no one else, anyone who would threaten your truth must be shown just how dangerous it is to play with fire!