Hi everyone! We are slowly but surely heading towards November's Full Moon in Gemini, which should bring us all a moment of maximum clarity. Clarity about who we are, what we want in life, in what measure does our life reflect the person who we are today, and of course all the things that are missing from our lives, all the things, that have the greatest potential to lead us towards real happiness and love.
But, before we reach that grand, culminating moment, where the Sun in Sagittarius will stand across the sky from the Moon in Gemini at zero degrees (which in it's self amplifies everything that the Full Moon represents) we have a few other very important aspects which can shape our lives and have a massive impact.
Jupiter in Sagittarius speaking with Mars is Pisces. This is all about the Self, and empowering the Self through heightened emotions. Mars in Pisces is going to create an overflow of emotional states, meaning, that in this period the heart will rule our whole being. The thing, that is going to matter the most is, how we feel about things, the stronger we feel about something, the more Jupiter will expand and amplify that energy, giving us an extra power to manifest, that, which we feel very strongly about. The negative side of this is, that, fears, negative emotions, repulsion, regret and intolerance are also going to be amplified, so the optimistic, joyful, happy energies of Jupiter in Sagittarius can be transmuted into the exact opposite, leading towards depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies.
This aspect can also lead to a very strong spiritual connection, everything that you believe in and have put your faith into is going to solidify in your life, and you are gonna feel guided, blessed, at one with the Source, but be very careful, because when Jupiter amplifies these energies, this can also turn into fanaticism and blind faith.
The Sun, Jupiter in Sagittarius forming a T square with Mars in Pisces. A square usually brings a series of challenges which we have to overcome, before we can turn the gained experiences into blessings. The tension between these celestial bodies is going to be a psychological one. The Sun speaking in supreme harmony with Jupiter is going to challenge Mars, who is in Pisces, so it will have everything to do with faith in yourself, and discovering the person who you are in a way, you have never done before.
This is a time of serious doubt, where you will tend to question absolutely everything in your life that is not material, physical in nature and has to do with self belief and faith. If we look at this, knowing that it is the manifestation of the energy of a T square, things do not look as bad. Questioning one's faith, belief system, the relationship between the self and a greater power, one's place in the Universe, is a very healthy and necessary thing to do from time to time. This ensures, that we give ourselves the chance to find new confirmation for everything that we believe in, and when this happens, the tension between the planets ceases, and The Sun, aided by Jupiter is going to empower Mars in Pisces, in very unexpected and mysterious ways. If we do not lose ourselves, in this process, if our faith and vision about the world and our place in it, survives and gets more refined, then it will give us the strength, the clarity, and the emotional power to manifest very very big things, especially, when The Moon is going step into Gemini at 0 degrees, which will give birth to life changing events and the fulfillment of one's fate.
Mercury retrograde forming a square with Neptune retrograde. This tension, is going to complicate our lives, in a very material sense. Neptune has to power to bring to the surface, the most hidden thoughts, and make us feel the urgent need to express these. Mercury is going to encourage this to the maximum and add a sense of the utmost urgency, irresistible need to do things very very quickly, almost immediately. But when thoughts come from deep below, the subconscious, and are immediately expressed, can lead to major conflict, because we might say very hurtful things, or that, which we are trying to express is going to be misinterpreted. Also when Mercury is retrograde, it's not a good time to make commitments, not a good time to sign contracts, make promises, believe promises.
The energies of Jupiter in Sagittarius, can be very deceiving, when combined with a retrograde Mercury, so be sure NOT to believe everything that you are being told, especially if someone makes a promise, commits to doing something in your favor, promises support and help. Never forget that it's not yours until you actually have it, and the reason why people tend to be kind and generous in this period is because, Jupiter is also the planet of compassion, so everyone wants to help, but because of the distorted visions, caused the tension between the planets, they tend to promise very unrealistic things, which they can never actually complete, bring to fruition.
Advice: the very best way to survive this time of great tension, and the breakdown of all communications brought on by retro Mercury is to be patient. Fight the sense of urgency with all your inner strength, learn to stay calm under all circumstances, do not believe everything that you hear, and never act on uncertain information, try to avoid all major purchases, contracts etc after the 23rd, and try to keep balanced, because Neptune retrograde in it's home sign tends to seduce us into giving in into addictions.
Also, before you express your feelings, be sure to think everything through, because people are very emotional in this period and can take offense of everything, and of course this is true vice versa.